Textile Artist

Autumn Thoughts


Last night’s three corner event went really well and the audience was lovely and responsive. The only set back is that I had no opportunity to see the other two’s work as I was answering questions right up till after coffee time! Great to have such interest.

I have been adding some stitching to my Glacier piece which was exhibited with South West Textiles at the FOQ at the NEC and in the West Country Show in Bristol. It is always difficult to know when to stop but I felt it needed just a bit more detail.

For the Exe Valley Quilters bunting/banner I volunteered to do the letter I. It needed to a capital and to be ‘funky’ so I found some vibrant yellow material that I had printed with red ‘lines’.  I went right through the fonts on laptop and ended up choosing one I that looked like a cotton reel.

Funky I

Now I am also thinking about trees for the next Exe Valley challenge.

Ice Dyeing Presentation

Tonight I am giving a small presentation (a three corner event which  I have not done before) for Exeter Quilters on Ice Dyeing.  I have had great fun making a whole new selection of fabrics, see below.  I am also posting the instructions.  This is the way that works for me rather than being definitive.


Ice dyeing notes  Patricia Hann

  1. Must work on 100% cotton or silk[1], which needs to be pre-soaked in soda ash or washing soda solution[2]   5 mins or more. (NB you can re-use left over solution.)
  2. Then squeeze out excess, scrunch the material and place on grid over sink. You can have several different materials at the same time and can try pleating and twisting etc.
  3. Spread a bag of ice from the supermarket on top.
  4. Sprinkle dye powders on top of this.  Use cold water Procion MX dyes[3] Think a bit about colour mixing so that you do not get all muddied browns –  experiment with amount etc.
  5. Remember MID Material /Ice/ Dye
  6. Leave overnight or equivalent and when ice all or nearly gone wash fabric as usual to remove excess dye  (cold water till no run off then hot water). – Do not panic if it looks awful.
  7. Dry and iron and WOW!

Website: www.patriciahann.co.uk

[1] I use any cotton available as I like to experiment. I used to use Whaleys of Bradford but am currently using Stone Fabrics  in Totnes as I can see and feel the material without having to send for samples.

[2] Use 3 scant tablespoons soda ash or 9 washing soda per litre of solution.  Dissolve in hot water and allow to cool – ignore any cloudiness. (about 20% washing soda)

[3] Kemtex is a good UK supplier.


Ice dye 1
Ice Dye 2
Iced Dye 3
Just look at those colours!
Iced Dye 4
Ice Dye 5
And yes they did all come out of one ‘pot’ !